Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tea better for you than water! Drink more, Better Tea!

This post from the BBC highlights some of the recent and most common health benefits of drinking tea. I think tea is a victim of a lot of pop-science seeking to explain its medicinal value. As several of my medical, bio-chem, and chem buddies will attest, we know more about what we don't know.

In the Chinese traditions, tea is combined with other ingredients (like banana, lychee, rice, seaweed, spices) to treat specific aliments. Many families treat colds with "hot toddies" - tea laced with lemon, honey, and a health hooker of brandy, wine or other booze.

But I think the comments on the re-hydrating properties of tea are the most interesting. It is commonly assumed that anything with caffeine has a diuretic effect. (Coffee, soda-pop. etc). But some of this is due to the higher amounts of caffeine compared to tea, and also the other chemical compounds involved.

I also believe that the simple fact that tea is warm, relaxing, conducive to both contemplation and social interaction, adds to the health factors.

Drink More Better Tea!

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